
Logos and Designs


Want a custom logo? Please contact us and send a photo or file for a quote. See our FAQ page for more info.

We also have a number of standard designs to help customize your jersey or T. You can choose while building your custom shirt. Prices vary.

Below is an assortment of what we keep on hand at all times. You can use alone or combine with text of your choice. 

Stars: Our Stars come in a group of three and are available in cream, old gold or black felt.

Sta-Lube, known since 1933 as a premium oil used in some of the most iconic cars both on and off the track. With it's rich history in the racing world, we felt it was appropriate to honor Sta-Lube on our vintage inspired jerseys. The logo is available in both cream and black felt. Sta-Lube® is a registered trademark of CRC Industries, Inc.

The Skull and Crossbones design was inspired by a guitar made by TK Smith. He drew the design and inlayed it into a custom pick guard. I liked it so much that we re-created it in felt. He comes in cream or black felt.

45 Record Adapter. The possibilities to customize your own jersey with this are unlimited. Let your imagination go wild! Comes in cream or black felt.

We had so many requests for a Lighting Bolt to use on club jerseys, racing jerseys and rock n roll jerseys that we had to make it a standard design. It comes in cream, black or old gold colored felt.

The Circle With Two Numbers of your choice is a clean design requested by one of our customers. Once again, we liked it so much we made it a standard design. You can choose the circle in cream or black felt, the numbers in cream, black trolled gold felt. Leave details of your choice in "Notes" at checkout.

Rattlesnake. Inspired by our desert surroundings, the rattlesnake is both beautiful and feared, dangerous and of service. Personally, he scares the sh** out of me, but he was in our land first so we decided to honor him in felt. Comes in Black, Old Gold or Cream. We can use the word Rattlesnake curved above him or you can choose the text of your choice while building your jersey. Just add him on under "designs".